
  • It’s been a crazy wonderful ride. 
    We have certainly had a journey to remember. All the beautiful scenery, the people, the roads, the road stops. The police stops. All of it beautiful and magical and […]
  • Mexico Epilogue
    One word to perfectly describe Mexico? Noisy! Whether it be the incessant banda music, or full blast boom boxes outside every shop it’s a barrage of aural abuse. There […]
  • The police stop
    We haven’t had any issues at all since arriving in Mexico. Not a speeding fine or any kind of random pullover. It has been almost completely a breeze. However, […]
  • More Iguanas than guests
    It’s hot here. Have I mentioned that? Punishingly hot! The sun is relentless, in a good way, but care needs to be taken to prepare for a day on […]
  • Language
    I have never learnt a foreign language. For native English speakers it is generally more difficult to do so. Our method of teaching the english language is not as […]
  • Giving way to Iguanas
    It’s normal this far down Mexico when it gets more tropical and the heat incessantly punishing, to regularly see the wayward iguana trying to cross the baking asphalt to […]
  • ‘STOP PRESS’ Crime in Guadalajara
    Guadalajara is a romantic city. The centre is testament to the architecture of the Spanish. The conquistadors spread their culture throughout Central America but Guadalajara is possibly the jewel […]
  • Mexican Border to Mazatlan
    Mexican Border to Mazatlan Crossing from the USA into Mexico is quite a contrast. One side, opulent, relatively clean, ordered, and organised. The other, chaos! Straight away you are […]
  • Border Crossing – USA to Mexico
    I thought I would do something useful and provide some information for anybody who wishes to transport themselves and their vehicle across the border between the USA and Mexico. […]


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