Costa Rica

  • Oh, we are in so much trouble!
    Why? Well read on and I will tell you. But only after this.  Lifecycles.  Everyone and everything has one. Whether it be […]
  • Bless me for I have sinned.
    It has been 7 months since my last confession. I have blasphemed profusely, had many murderous thoughts and expressed pride in my […]
  • Despacio en Paraiso
    Where to start? I cannot believe how much we have accomplished in what is really such a short amount of Costa Rican […]
  • New Friends
    It isn’t often that you meet someone who fits entirely into your idea of a truly wholesome and worthy person. I think […]
  • Costa Rica, making easy difficult!
    And how true that is.  If you want to get anything done in Costa Rica you have to accommodate the propensity of […]
  • Snakes, scorpions and tarantulas.
    I had my very first close encounter with the local serpent population the other week. It was a scary incident but no […]
  • Hoop Jumping in Paradise
    Costa Rica, as it turns out, has lots of hoops to jump through if you want to get anything done in the […]
  • The body and the robbery, a Sicilian scandal.
    Death comes to us all. We just hope it comes quickly and painlessly, that our outage doesn’t come with too many unexpected […]
  • How to cross the border between Costa Rica and Nicaragua by car at Penas Blancas
    What documents you need, how much it costs, how long it takes. Let’s start with the good news: it’s completely doable, pretty […]
  • End of our Visa
    We have now come to the end of our visa! That’s the first time I have ever been able to say that. […]
  • The Sicilian Visit
    Daniela’s dad has just left after spending seven days here. It was marvellous to have him with us. But I must say […]
  • Are we mad?
    It’s been a long time since I last wrote and I am sorry about that. I keep meaning to but there have […]
  • Health
    Health and Safety in Coast Rica Back in New York (it seems like an eternity ago now) when it was way below […]
  • Decisions, decisions!
    Continuing with our exploration of the coastline of this province we have now headed north to an area called Playa Negra, Junquillal. […]
  • Bryson
    So I have been reading a lot of Bill Bryson lately. I downloaded all his books and am working my way through […]
  • Goodbye Coyote
    Saying goodbye to our penultimate pacific deep red sunset in Playa Coyote is a very beautiful but also sad experience. We have […]
  • The Royal Visit
    Friday morning we had an important mission to accomplish. Collect friendship royalty from San Jose airport, the main airport in Costa Rica. […]
  • Wiesmuller
    Whenever I wake Johnny Weissmuller pops into my mind. In my bleary sleepy state I envisage Johnny out there in the jungle […]
  • What do we miss
    I have been inactive (in many ways) but especially online as we don’t have sufficient wifi to browse or to upload stuff. […]
  • Bugs
    I have always had a healthy respect (and fear) of insects. Creepy crawlies are not my favourite species in the animal kingdom. […]
  • I might have cried wolf
    All the way down through the whole of Central America I have posted pictures of many beautiful beaches, jungles, vistas and punctuated […]


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