More Iguanas than guests

More Iguanas than guests

It’s hot here. Have I mentioned that? Punishingly hot!

The sun is relentless, in a good way, but care needs to be taken to prepare for a day on the beach. Sunscreen, sombrero and shade. Essential prerequisites for a joyful day. All the locals wear full clothing, even in the water. I guess it doesn’t matter how pigmented your skin is, you can still burn.

We found a beautiful place high above the ocean. Villa Arrecife, Puerto Angel. Cool breezes, beautiful vistas and most importantly, no bitey things! Except for the odd scorpion and snake which is common, so we took great care and checked under the toilet seat before our ablutions.

The place was basic, but had all we needed. Quiet, away from any mariatchi, peaceful and beautiful. We saw pilot whales from the balcony and plenty of large jumping fishy things.

We decided to stay an extra night just because it was so nice. And that is probably the best thing about travelling as we do. We can decide in a moment to change an itinerary, if there is any, and stay if the surroundings are to our liking.

We have moved on now to a place called Tehuantepec. It’s a nondescript kind of town like many others in Mexico. Not tourist fair but a stopping off point on the way somewhere. We are on our way somewhere but not sure where next til we check the map. But for now the hotel is an oasis from the heat and bustle of the town. It has a pool, and the place is extremely clean . There are more iguanas than guests which is just as we like it and hence the title.

Our only stipulation at this point is that any place has to have a pool. In this heat you need to cool off and a shower doesn’t quite do it. You are soon sweating again and need another. At least in a pool you can just sit there or float and enjoy the cool water.

Tomorrow we have decided to cross into Chiapas, our favourite state. Home to temples, vibrant colours, tropical jungle and our favourite town, San Cristobal de Las Casas. Can’t wait to be there again as I have been three times now and loved it every time. Nothing but good things to say about it.

Favourite place to eat

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