Giving way to Iguanas

Giving way to Iguanas

It’s normal this far down Mexico when it gets more tropical and the heat incessantly punishing, to regularly see the wayward iguana trying to cross the baking asphalt to get to wherever it is iguanas go. We have nearly hit a couple, but haven’t flattened any yet. They seem exotic to us. But, to the locals, I am sure they are considered common and nutritious.

The wildlife is changing. The birds look, somewhat bigger and more tropical. Like those you see on David Attenborough documentaries. But now we are closer to them. Where we are there are many vultures. Feasting on the decaying fish washed up on the shore. Yes, you read that right. Walking on the beach there were dead and bloated fish everywhere. So many that the stench was quite repulsive. I was worried there had been an oil spill or some other man made catastrophe. But it turns out that in certain years there is a red moon which triggers a bloom of algae from the deep. This then, in enormous quantities fills the ocean and the fish suffocate. Amazing, and completely natural. Nature can be so very cruel. But the vultures are fat and happy so it is all in the grand scheme I guess.

The insects are voracious too. I can tell where Dani is just by the regular slapping of hand on skin. I haven’t seen many cockroaches but they are here. And you wouldn’t believe the size of them. I am always on the search for spiders and snakes as they fascinate me, but I am sure they will say hello at some point.

Yesterday we finally arrived at a beautiful oasis on the edge of the pacific after a very long drive down from somewhere I can’t remember the name of. The GPS took us off-road for miles and we were very confused as it took us down a complete dead end road at one point. But finally we arrived here and it is paradise. Away from the obligatory mariachi blasted at 180 decibels everywhere. I am really craving silence, and here we found it. The host is American and very hospitable. It is Dani’s birthday so we are staying here for a couple of nights. I am writing this whilst sitting by a lovely, warm pool, unintentionally shaped like a phallus I am sure, and under the shade of coconut palms. It is wonderful to just stay a bit and be still.

This week is a major celebration to catholics. Easter is a big thing. All the hotels are booked up for the whole week but luckily Dani thought ahead and booked a whole week of hotels so we could relax. It sounds like we are being extravagant but they are really quite cheap and certainly cheaper than renting in England for sure. However I am looking forward to just following our noses again. That’s how I like to travel. With no plans, nothing booked, just find a place you want to stay and stay.

Hasta la vista guys. And pure vida.

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