‘STOP PRESS’ Crime in Guadalajara

‘STOP PRESS’ Crime in Guadalajara

Guadalajara is a romantic city. The centre is testament to the architecture of the Spanish. The conquistadors spread their culture throughout Central America but Guadalajara is possibly the jewel of Mexico. It is beautiful. I had been before on my own when I first risked the crossing into deepest darkest Mexico. On a previous adventure to the States I had been warned many times not to go by the Americans as it is full of Mexicans and muy peligroso! I listened, unfortunately. But the next time? I did it, flying straight down from San Diego to Guadalajara. And I was so glad I took the plunge. I landed in an alien environment but was welcomed warmly and entertained beautifully by mariachi and tequila. 

I wanted Dani to see it too. So that’s why we were there. We stayed in a hotel right in the centre, spitting distance from the cathedral and all the action. The hotel, coincidentally was called the Santiago de Compostela. As some of you may know already, I walked from the Pyrenees to Santiago, all 500 gruelling miles of it, and received my Compostela. Best thing I ever did in my life, til then. 

We arrived late so only spent a little time that evening in the centre and drank beer (with a tequila chaser!) and did the promenade. It was a little wet but it was warm and humid and vibrant. 

Next day, after a day in the town we found a lovely looking restaurant nearby, literally 3 minutes walk away from the hotel. It was still hot, still the sun beating down, and then, right there, in a moment, Dani had her new iPhone snatched from her hand. It was done in an instant. Carefully choreographed many times. One on foot, one on the getaway vehicle. I must say they were very professional about it. And the people around were really sympathetic saying, “That’s Mexico?!” But I disagree. That isn’t Mexico at all, that’s Sicily, that’s London, that’s anywhere. We refuse to allow prejudice and anger to set in over a location. These things happen. I am just thankful that Dani wasn’t hurt, it could have been far worse! A phone is just a thing, an expensive thing, but a thing nonetheless.

There are lessons to be learned though. Dani knew, being from Sicily, that carrying a phone openly in your hand is an offering to thieves. So we will always be keeping our ‘wealth’ concealed from now on. I will always walk beside or behind Dani too. In this instance I was just ahead at a crossing. So my eyes will always be on her. The theft is forgotten now but the teachings will persevere. 

All data was wiped remotely and banks notified so all is safe and secure. The funny thing is that on her other phone Dani can see exactly where the phone is. We told the police but they had no jurisdiction without warrants, and we didn’t have the time to pursue it. But it’s funny to see it there somewhere in Guadalajara being hacked and wiped clean for a resale. I hope it blows up in their hands but that’s wishful thinking. Apple? There’s an idea there. Just a small charge to blow off someones hand. A symbolic reference to Sharia law maybe?

The Hotel
Look it’s just round the corner!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. David Picus

    Good to know the Jalisco Police are living up to their reputation. Around the corner – demasiado lejos.
    I think it was Dylan who said…..”The cops don’t need you and man they expect the same”.
    Nice bike though !
    Sorry about the phone.
    buon viajes !

  2. Benjamin March

    That’s a shame. Be careful when someone buys you a drink too.. Cal and Ollie got spiked whilst in Colombia and their phones pinched. Luckily they weren’t bummed as well, although Cal did shit himself so that may have happened.🤙💪
    Keeping it real Dunc. Peace out👂🙏❤️

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