Mexico Epilogue

Mexico Epilogue

One word to perfectly describe Mexico? Noisy!

Whether it be the incessant banda music, or full blast boom boxes outside every shop it’s a barrage of aural abuse. There are 17,000,000 inhabitants and sometimes it seems you can hear every single one of them. They equally have no sense of anybody else around them. They just do what they want, when they want and to hell with everybody else. 

I’m not complaining at all. The beauty of the country and the experience far outweighs the annoyances. But just in case you are thinking of visiting. Bring earplugs or earbuds. At least then you can listen to your own choice of mariachi band!

Their driving is down right dangerous too. To hell with everybody else again. I’m overtaking you so you better get out of the way. Buses are the worst. You’d think with a cargoe of people they’d take a little extra care. But no. Overtake on a bend? Why not? On a highway with cars coming? Why not? So bring ear plugs AND a crash helmet. 

I don’t think I’m doing Mexico justice though. We had an amazing time, great people (though sometimes a  little grumpy and inconsiderate), excellent food, amazing scenery with some of the best beaches in the world and most of all a fantastic place to get lost and be anonymous. Although being white makes that a little harder to be.

If you want to follow the hippies there are places for that, if you want quiet isolation, it has that too. It’s an amazing spectacle of a country. A culture shock for us Europeans but a good one. And the best thing is It’s cheap as chips (tacos).

There are some states that are more sketchy than others. You must always have your wits about you and not display any kinds of wealth. But these things are just common sense travel tips for any country. Be vigilant and it will be kind to you. We learnt that in Guadalajara unfortunately but didn’t let it ruin our trip or our opinion of Mexico. 

And that’s an important tip. Probably the most important. Shit happens wherever you are just don’t let it get you down or lose faith. The good outweighs the bad. The beauty far exceeds the filth. 

We would go back in a heartbeat. But there are other trails we need to hit before that.

P.S. For those who don’t know what banda music is here it is in all its incessant glorious cocophony

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