

I have never learnt a foreign language. For native English speakers it is generally more difficult to do so. Our method of teaching the english language is not as it is for pretty much every other country in the universe. They are taught correct grammar and sentence construction from the beginning in their mother tongue. Therefore enabling them to adapt and create sentences in new languages more easily. I was taught sporadically using phonetics and copying and learning by rote. I was possibly taught some grammar but not enough for it to be entrenched in my simple brain. I have no idea what present perfect continuous or past participle is. I’m a dunce. But I speak English very well. So well in fact that everybody understands what I am saying. But that is pure luck really. Not based on the science of the language.

Daniela is from Italy. She was taught all the grammar and learnt the science of language well ahead of me. She picks up and speaks Spanish with ease as she did English. And she still considers herself a very basic speaker. She also hails from the language school industry where the science is taught in a very efficient way. She has the advantage. I am the plebeian!

My lifelong wish has been to be able to speak Spanish, or any other language, fluently enough to be understood and have a good conversation with a native of the country. I like people, I like to find out what makes them happy or sad, or what it’s like to live where they do. I like to meet and converse. But here I am stuck with basic questions, simple statements using the wrong tenses and verbs, but being understood all the same. 

We have a set of Michel Thomas CD’s in the car which we listen to regularly. It is conversational Spanish with an emphasis on the correct grammar. I listen and try to comprehend but most goes over my head, or through it, without catching hold. I guess in time that after speaking and listening enough more will come and slowly I will be able to build my understanding. But for now I am stuck at the very basics. They smile politely at my mispronunciations, take joy in my mistaken genders, and laugh at my inappropriate remarks. But I am trying and am very happy to be mocked. I can take it. Time and practise will prevail, and Michel will assist me/us along the way.

Con suerte!

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