

It wasn’t far, just down Central Park and off at 47th to Broadway.

We were lucky to be given two tickets to see the long running show, Chicago. Third aisle from the front and thankfully so because the front

rowers were well within the firing range of songsters spittle. Not much but just enough to never want to be sat there. 

Unfortunately, none of the cast were A listers, Hugh Jackson was tantalisingly close next door in another show but the performances and dancers were excellent bar a couple of minor caveats.

The lead, Roxy, was fantastic. Lived and breathed the part. And seemed to thoroughly enjoy the role. However, second lead, Velma, was not so great. I mean I would imagine, without trying to be unkind, in her youth she must have been a diva. But she seemed slightly bedraggled and out of puff a few times during the more strenuous scenes.

Scantily clad gals, extremely buff guys, it’s a sexy and revealing spectacle catering to all persuasions. I am sure I saw someones privates at some point during the splits across a chair but I may have been mistaken, it was a very brief moment after all. 

One character who impressed me was Mary. All through the show I was questioning whether she was a he. Her voice was one of those that could shatter glass, but in a good way, if you know what I mean?. And when she/he revealed her/himself I really was taken aback after convincing myself that she had to be an unfortunately monstrous she. No man, save a castrati, should be able to reach those notes, surely?

All in all the show was very well contrived and joyfully played by a very talented troupe of lithe and sexy performers. It was a little long in tooth and slightly short on talent but well worth the trip. 

A Broadway show, one more notch to add to the many others on my staff of worthwhile experiences.

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